Welcome to PrincessPearls Boutique

Thank you for shopping here with us. We are truly delighted to expand PrincesPearls into a full online store. PrincessPearls, my very own brand created since 2006, continues to deliver beautiful jewellery, mostly pearls. The freshwater pearls are sourced from Suzhou and every piece is lovingly handmade in Shanghai.
Within this boutique, we are super excited to launch PrincessPearls Bath Shop which includes a range of artisan all natural handmade soaps sourced from Australia. I am sure you will enjoy the selection of pure 100% Australian essential oils and honey soap bars I have selected for this store. All of which my family and I enjoy.
PrincessPearls Closet which we will launch later in 2016 will carry a beautiful selection of fabulously gorgeous and colourful girls' clothing. I think that you will enjoy these gorgeous pieces and especially the selected hairbands which I will add to the closet. They are absolutely gorgeous and are real head turners.
Some time later in 2016 I will add in a selection of artisan handmade gourmet yet all natural items into PrincessPearls Pantry.
PrincessPearls Gifts offers a gift consultancy service that I am personally very excited about. If you have a gift for that special occasion or that special someone that you need assistance with - be it sourcing or ideas, engage with me and I am sure that you will be amazed by the pleasant experience we offer in your gifting requirements.
Thank you for stopping by our store. I hope you enjoy the shopping experience with us as much as I have enjoyed selecting the pieces for the store for you. If you have any comments or feedback, please do drop me a line.
Every lady is and deserves to be a princess x Truly x
Cheers, Yvonne
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